


HOST is a comprehensive project implemented by Kerala State RUTRONIX, emphasizing skill development, women empowerment, employment opportunities and entrepreneurial skills. In the first phase, HOST is launching Montessori- STEM Teachers training project, Candidates will be equipped with pre-school entrepreneurship knowledge and mould them into Montessori and STEM teachers.

Great Teachers
Great Education
Great Career
Great Community

Holistic Education
through 21st
Century Skills

The 10 Guiding Principles


Diploma In Montessori
Teacher Training

Diploma In STEM
Teacher Training

Why STEM Important In Early Childhood Education

The rise of the digital age has made Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education more critical than ever. STEM education is among the most competitive and sought programs in the world. The mission of STEM Montessori is to provide top quality STEM-focused education options for early-age child development in order to foster innovation, critical thinking, and science literacy, yielding globally competitive results.

Qualities of a STEM-Montessori Teacher


The only thing that can stop you is Your Creative Thinking!

Love for Learning

Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching

High Energy

Dreams cannot be achieved without the power to make them true

Being Reflective

The more reflective you are, the more successful you become

Being Productive

Always believe that you can deliver more than expected

Sense of Humour

Humor is one of our best survival tool in the world

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Rutronix Projects